Covid-19 Policy

Based on population-wide vaccine availability and the beginning of our summer ministry schedule, we have modified our current COVID-19 safety recommendations from a “congregation-wide” approach to the “individual” approach listed below. This applies to worship services, LifeGroups, and worship related activities. Recommendations for Children’s Ministries and Youth will be communicated by those ministry directors.

1) Symptom Self-Screening: Please do not attend any service or church function if you have a temperature, a newly developed cough, loss of taste or smell, or any other possible symptoms of a contagious illness such as COVID-19, cold, strep, or flu.

2) Masks: Masks are no longer recommended for everyone, but individuals are welcome and encouraged to continue wearing a mask if they so desire.

3) Social Distancing: Please maintain a minimum of one meter (approx. 3’4”) of social distance from anyone who is wearing a mask. Members should assume that individuals who are wearing a mask also wish to practice social distancing.

4) Hygiene: Please wash and sanitize your hands frequently, especially before shaking hands, hugging, or touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

5) Sanctuary: We have removed some ropes to accommodate a larger gathering closer to 50% capacity. If you would still prefer to social distance during our worship services, feel free to select a seat in alternating rows.

We encourage those who are currently livestreaming, and those with ongoing health concerns, to choose this safe, virtual option for worship and fellowship.