Behold, my servant shall act wisely; he shall be high and lifted up, and shall be exalted. As many were astonished at you—his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind—so shall he sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths because of him, for that which has not been told them they see, and that which they have not heard they understand.
Bible Text: Acts 8 | Preacher: Pastor Bob Evans | Series: Oakwood Bible Church - Sunday AM, What Matters Most | [iframe src="" width="50%" height="600" align="right"][googleapps domain="docs" dir="viewer" query="url=" width="50%"…
Bible Text: Isaiah 6:1-13 | Preacher: Pastor Bob Evans | Series: Dangerous Prayers, Oakwood Bible Church - Sunday AM | [iframe src="" width="50%" height="600" align="right"][googleapps domain="docs" dir="viewer" query="url=" width="50%" height="600"…
Bible Text: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 | Preacher: Pastor Bob Evans | Series: Advent Series, Oakwood Bible Church - Sunday AM | [iframe src="" width="50%" height="600" align="right"][googleapps domain="docs" dir="viewer" query="url=" width="50%"…
Bible Text: Isaiah 9:6-7 | Preacher: Pastor Bob Evans | Series: Advent Series, Oakwood Bible Church - Sunday AM | [iframe src="" width="50%" height="600" align="right"][googleapps domain="docs" dir="viewer" query="url=" width="50%" height="600"…
Bible Text: Isaiah 9:1-7 | Preacher: Pastor Bob Evans | Series: Advent Series, Oakwood Bible Church - Sunday AM | [iframe src="" width="50%" height="600" align="right"][googleapps domain="docs" dir="viewer" query="url=" width="50%" height="600"…